The One Where We Didn’t Need Snacks

I took Thing 1 and Thing 2 to see DragonBird Theatre at The Egg in Bath and we had the best time!

I have admired The Egg from a distance for a few years. It’s lovely to have a theatre dedicated to children and young people so close to where we live and now I have children I get to see what it’s all about. I found DragonBird Theatre through a friend and when I saw that they performed at The Egg I thought it was time for a trip to Bath.

I was flying solo on this trip so had to make sure I was well prepared with where to park, where to eat and a bag full of snacks. We arrived at The Egg half an hour early. I wanted to make sure I knew where I was going. As I approached the building I did wonder if arriving so early with two toddlers was a good idea. They might run riot before the show even began. At the same time there wasn’t enough time to fit shopping in and I needed to pick up tickets, so in we went.

Firstly, the double pushchair fit through the door. Hurrah! Secondly, we walked straight in to The Egg Café, which had a play area. More Hurrah! I actually managed to sit and have a drink before the performance while Thing 1 and thing 2 had a play. How civilised.

Once the performance was announced I stood in the queue and handed over my tickets. The performance was taking place in The Romper Room, a studio on the fourth floor. There is a lift but Thing 1 and 2 were eager and headed straight for the stairs. I think they regretted their decision half way up but I had decided it might use up some excess energy.

We finally made it in to the studio, found some cushions and a spot on the floor. The two performers entered singing a song and introducing us to the Dragon and Bird. They explained that there would be a ten minute story and the rest of the time would be interactive. Great, something new for us. The Things enjoyed the story and in true Thing style spent a lot of the story on their feet. They weren’t moving about or interrupting anyone, they just seem to prefer being on their feet. They were engaged and smiled through out and I had made sure we were near the back just in case.

Then the interactive part started and I was in heaven. I have realised that I spend very little time playing with Things 1 and 2. Between the dressing, washing, changing, cooking, feeding, tidying and generally just trying to get through the day, I don’t seem to find time to actually play. That’s what made this session special. We went to space, we saw stars and the moon, we met an alien, built a spaceship and we had a lot of fun together. It was wonderful to see the delight on The Things faces and watch them exploring, playing and being creative. I got to zoom around the room with my children and sing to them and I really felt like we were experiencing this together. And I didn’t need snacks once!

I think I enjoyed this session as much as Thing 1 and Thing 2 and will definitely be looking for more of this. We were all in a good mood for the rest of the day. I can’t wait to see DragonBird Theatre again.

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