The One With Technology

I am going to be 40 next month (I can’t quite believe I just admitted that!). In my secondary school we had a few computers and IT consisted of two or three of us huddled around the computer drawing things. I didn’t send my first email until I was at university and didn’t type my first essay until my second year at university. My old house mates will remember that I typed my whole dissertation using just two fingers! However, like most people, technology has crept into my life. Nowadays I live in a house with smart phones, laptops, e-readers, smart TVs and tablets. I have learnt how things work as technology has developed, I can get most things to do, what I need them to do and I can even type properly now. I thought I was doing pretty well until social distancing was introduced and now all of a sudden everything in my life is being delivered electronically and it turns out, I don’t really have a clue how anything works!

I am in total awe of the creative people and organisations out there who, in such a short amount of time, have managed to get activities, performances, classes and entertainment online. There is everything from live streamed performances to Facebook live interactive classes, to creative activity ideas you can do at home. I am totally overwhelmed and feel like I should be making the best of these opportunities but time and my lack of experience with technology is letting me down. I can see friends planning their days to make the most of what is on offer when I am still struggling with running a home, getting work done and looking after Thing 1 and Thing 2. I have less time to myself to get things organised now that we are all social distancing and I don’t have as much help with childcare. To anyone else feeling like me, hi, I see you. I have no idea how anyone is working from home AND home schooling. You are my heroes!

I am trying though. Firstly, this week I have managed to get things working on our TV. We have a smart TV in our living room, and I assumed that would mean you could browse the internet on it. I was wrong. It’s all to do with apps and I couldn’t find an app that let me browse the internet and watch videos, live or recorded. I spent a lot of time last week getting frustrated and ended up using my laptop (and throwing remote controls across the room in frustration). Luckily Things 1 and 2 didn’t seem to mind and we did manage to get some things working. Now that I have worked out that I can use the Xbox (which I couldn’t even turn on until last week) to browse the internet I feel like I am getting there. This week we have managed to take part in a pre-recorded Magical Music and Movement class, watched a live Rock the Tots gig and enjoy The Eggs Christmas show; Snow Mouse – all from the TV in the front room. I even managed to watch The National Theatre’s One Man, Two Governors on YouTube.

I am getting there, and The Things have been brilliant. Their world has been turned upside down and they don’t understand why. They keep asking after friends and family and wanting to go to the park and all I can do is distract them. Both Magical Music and Movement and Rock the Tots have been brilliant. I am aware that there are so many other options for pre-school music out there but for Thing 1 and Thing 2, familiarity seems to be the key. They recognise the faces on screen, and they respond to the usual routine. We’ve been able to join in with both of these activities straight away. Anything new has not caught their imagination yet but I will keep trying.

Yesterday we sat down together to watch Snow Mouse, which The Egg are letting people view for free. I was really unsure how Things 1 and 2 would respond to theatre on the TV but they really enjoyed this. We sat cuddled up under the blanket watching the performance unfold. Thing 1 did get up and move about a bit after 15 minutes, but that was fine. There are more distractions in our front room than in an auditorium and if you have read any of my blogs you will know that The Things like to enjoy performances while they stand up. By the end of Snow Mouse, they were both on their feet but standing in front of the TV watching the performance. The show really made them laugh and they gave a big clap at the end.

I have wanted to see One Man, Two Governors for ages. I missed my chance when it was in London and even missed the recent cinema screenings, so what a treat to be able to watch it during this strange time. I really enjoyed the performance. Great cast and very funny, especially the audience interaction. I did find myself thinking it must have been so good to have actually been in the audience.

I miss live theatre and going to our regular classes. I miss experiencing it with other people. I miss being a part of something. But for now, this is how life needs to be. A huge well done to the creative people who have taken this on as a challenge and made sure that arts and culture can still be a part of our lives.

Magical Music and Movement

Rock the Tots

Snow Mouse

One Man, Two Governors

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