The One With Live Music (At Last!)

It’s been a long few months with little to entertain or distract us. When I saw Music for Miniatures had started to plan some outdoor, socially distanced performances I kept a close eye on their schedule and hoped they would be performing near us. When Bubble Bach was advertised at a park I could get to I made sure it went straight in the diary.

It turned out to be one of the hottest days of the year but I had seen on Facebook the day before that they would be in the shade so I wasn’t going to let that put me off. A live performance that we could attend in person. Hurrah!

Bubble Bach felt perfect for us. We all enjoyed the live music and Thing 1 and Thing 2 were fascinated by the bubbles. It’s great being able to introduce The Things to all forms of music and make classical music a part of their lives. It feltamazing to listen to live music again and to be in an audience. 

We were all asked to find a space and use our picnic blankets as a way of social distancing and to stay on our blankets. I have a very large picnic blanket which gave Thing 1 and Thing 2plenty of space to jump about and catchbubbles. It’s not easy getting two toddlers to social distance. I can’t explain it to them in a way they understand and I don’t want to make them afraid of other people. They behaved really well though. I had to remind them a couple of times to stay on the blanket but in general they seemed to understand that the blanket was our space. I guess they are getting used to distancing measures.

Towards the end of the concert I startedto wonder what we are going to do in the autumn and winter. Most of the live events I go to with Things 1 and 2 have small audience numbers and in the right spaces we could easily social distance, but so many venues are shut still. Mostvenues are still waiting on further advice on reopening timescales and/or funding from the government and have no idea what their future holds . I hope people can find ways of making it work so we don’t lose what we enjoy once again.

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